Web Marketing – Web Site Promotion – and Internet Marketing by Utah Website Design
Utah Website Design provides The Best Website Promotion Service
Utah Website design has gained extensive knowledge and experience in web site promotion since our start in 1997. Our internet marketing and search engine optimization teams have helped to create numerous successful internet operations, and this experience is made available to all of our clients.
When it comes to web site promotion, we know what works and what doesn’t work. Our strategies have been used successfully across numerous industry platforms.
The bottom line is our clients who take our advice and run with it achieve great results online!
What do our web site promotion services include?
A Complete Overview of Your Web Site
- We review your current web site operations to see how your site is ranked on major Search Engines.
- We review your site coding and structure, evaluate load time on various connection speeds, review scripts currently operating on your site, run a browser compatibility report to make sure your site is being seen as expected.
- We even provide a statistical analysis of your current traffic to assist in future strategic planning and much more.
A Competitive Review
Looking at the competition to see how your site measures up in terms of:
- Offerings
- Site appeal
- Search engine position
- Traffic flow
- Any competitive edge you can take advantage of
Strategic Recommendations
After our analysis is completed we come up with recommendations on how your site could be structured better, coded better, and marketed better online. All reports are complete with:
- Timelines
- Completion schedules
- Cost
- Recommended phasing if applicable
We are a Utah web development company whose promotion services achieve results for our clients.
Case Studies
Machinery and Equipment
M&E was referred to us in 2002. They are a heavy equipment dealer in San Francisco. Management was frustrated that their site was difficult to navigate and they were receiving no business from Search Engine placement. Our design and marketing teams took the challenge and completely redesigned the front-end operation as well as back-end product management. Once the site was ready, we initiated a very aggressive marketing effort online and the client now benefits by receiving ever-increasing orders daily from their top placement on Yahoo, Google, MSN and AOL in multiple keyword categories.
Esco Imports, Inc.
Esco, a Texas based distributor of novelty products contacted our team in 2003 with a poorly designed site and a marketing strategy that included only trade shows. Following a complete redesign of the front-end display and the back- end shopping cart facilities, we initiated a marketing strategy that has placed the client at the top of national engines. The business from this top search engine placement has completely changed the marketing strategies of the company. Trade shows are now a minor part of their overall marketing efforts.
We have many more success stories like these. We can duplicate the same results for you!
Copywriters and Content Writers:
Hire from our very own pool of copywriters and content writers
We not only build fantastic websites but we create incredible content as well.
- Newsletters
- Press releases
- Product descriptions
- We do it all!
When creating content for your own personal home page or developing the content for a complex corporate site, the way that your message is written will determine your success or failure on the Internet.
Whether you are selling a product, managing customer relations or introducing a new concept it all starts with the site user understanding your message and instructions.
So, hire your very own copywriters and content writers.
Here are some basics to understand:
Writing Styles
In writing for a website, the single most important difference with writing for print publication is the inherent ability of web communications to be interactive. Hyper linking makes it easy for any reader to browse the information you have presented in a manner that is the most comfortable to them. Suggestion – Use hyperlinks wisely, otherwise they become a distraction.
The beauty of a website, whether internal or external , is that the user has the ultimate control over what content they see. Users no longer want content pushed at them and have become “pullers” of information…they review material, pulling out what’s meaningful or useful to them and ignoring the rest. An important goal is to make the information you offer easy to “pull” from.
If you want to use backgrounds, be sure the texture or pattern is subtle so it doesn’t compete visually with your words: this is called appropriate figure/ground contrast. Solid, pale colors are best, with black or very dark type.
Use small, multi-color graphics to add visual interest, but don’t overdo. And remember that big splashy graphics take a long time to load, which can drive your readers away.
Use white space and font changes for visual interest instead of graphics, where possible. Columns (including empty ones to create white space in a page format) can be made using the “table” function and the “block quote” function of the HTML language.
How Web readers Read
Only 16% of readers read a document word for word. Shocked? According to a web usability study by Sun Microsystems, 79% merely scan on-screen pages without taking time to read what they find. It’s more than just attention- deficit: computer screens are about 25% harder to read than print. Larger screen type fonts improve readability. Short line lengths help, as does reducing the number of words from print to the on-screen version by about 50%.
A fundamental question you should always ask, whether it’s for your own web site or one you are developing for your employer is: What is the purpose of the web site? If yours is a small business, this is especially true. You can’t afford to make mistakes.
Here are some important questions to answer before you begin:
- Who is your audience?
- What do you want them to know, understand or do after they visit your web site?
- How will you measure your success?
- Are you committed to maintaining the site to keep it timely?
- Have we done the best possible design job to make the site usable?
If you are really struggling with what to say, then let our copywriters and content writers get the ball rolling for you. We have development professionals on staff who can modify the content on your sire, newsletter, brochure, or press release and make you look fantastic!
Email Newsletters:
Email Newsletter Programs by Utah Website Design provide excellent business solutions
- Is your firm still wasting money each month mailing coupons, specials or corporate updates by regular mail?
- Are you wondering how in the world you are going to capture email addresses from the visitors to your site and then contact them about your offerings?
Well then here is your answer: One of the most powerful marketing tools in this current market is the effective use of Email. With our Opt-In Newsletter programs you are able to gather the information you need automatically without involving your precious staff resources.
Our clients are getting hundreds of customers and potential customers signing up for their online newsletters and SO CAN YOU! Imagine sending out one email on your latest product, a promotion, or useful tip and having it received by hundreds of people at once who are actually GLAD to get your message. This technique keeps your site fresh in their minds and keeps your customers coming back again and again for repeat sales.
We are a Utah web development team that can make this happen for you! We provide quality email newsletter programs to boost your business.
Power Newsletter Manager
Add a greater level of professionalism to your site with the Power Newsletter Manager! With this newsletter manager you can personalize emails to your clients with their names and add HTML with pictures, graphics, and color text to make your emails come alive!
Newsletter Manager Features:
- Create one or multiple newsletters that visitors can subscribe to
- Send newsletters out to subscribers as plain text or html
- Visitor-friendly subscribe/unsubscribe
- Customizable subscribe/unsubscribe emails
- Fully-featured admin screen
- Know your subscriber total
- Web-based message editor
- Editable message ‘subject’
- Built-in message mailer
- Import emails from a CVS file
- And much more.
Website Evaluation:
Web Site Evaluation Process
We do a complete overview or your web site
- We review your current web site operations to see how your site is ranked on major search engines.
- We review your site coding and structure, evaluate load time on various connection speeds, review scripts currently operating on your site, run a browser compatibility report to make sure your site is being seen as expected.
- We even provide a statistical analysis of your current traffic to assist in future strategic planning and much more.
We do a competitive review
We take a look at the competition to see how your site measures up in terms of:
- Offerings
- Site appeal
- Search engine position
- Traffic flow
- Any competitive edge you can take advantage of
We come up with strategic recommendations
After our analysis is completed we come up with recommendations on how your site could be structured better, coded better and marketed better online. All reports are complete with:
- Timelines
- Completion schedules
- Cost
- Recommended phasing if applicable
We are a Utah web development company that takes the success of your website very seriously: our teams will help you do it right the first time.