Adwords Management is the fastest way to get any web site on road to new traffic and buyers is known as Pay Per Click or Sponsored Adwords Marketing. This convenient and popular way to get your site found fast is offered and promoted aggressively by all 3 major search engines including Google, Yahoo and Bing. As with any online marketing effort there is a right way to create opportunity and certainly a wrong way to run an effective PPC campaign in Utah or any national or international market.
Utah Website Design has partnered with one of only a handful of Google Premier SMB partners in the world, to manage all of the our clients paid placement campaigns. This relationship with a major global concern is what separates us from all of the other Utah Search Engine marketing firms and supposed PPC experts in the Salt Lake market. Whether your monthly budget is $500.00 or $500,000.00 our professional teams have the experience to launch your first campaign, fix your current campaign or expand your existing efforts to cover a broader local or national market.
Here’s how the Pay Per Click (PPC) Management process works:

Utah Website Design Pay Per Click (PPC) Process:
- Your Own Personal PPC Analyst – Most of our Utah adwords and PPC programs entitle our clients to work directly with a Adwords expert that is Google certified and experienced in running successful campaigns for Google, Yahoo and Bing and with a working knowledge of our clients specific industry (This working knowledge of what works and what doesn’t is invaluable to our clients)
- Complete Competitive Review – The analyst will initiate a complete review of the local competitive landscape and advice on necessary budgets to accomplish the client’s business objectives. If the client is currently running a campaign managed by themselves or another 3rd party. The analyst will also review the existing PPC campaign effort and then advise on strategies to improve performance and reduce costs
- Create Campaign Architecture – The analyst will then prepare an exhaustive keyword and keyword phrase list and design the appropriate ads and campaign architecture based on the clients top profit centers and website structure. (Often at this stage the analyst will advise the client that additional contact or calls to action need to be added to the clients primary website.)
- Weekly Client Communication – Throughout the campaign our Adwords specialists the analyst and Utah Website Design managers will monitor the campaign results, make recommendations to the client weekly on keyword conversions and then execute those changes. The primary goal is always to increase the clients return on invested dollars, reduce the click costs and improve quality scores. As an Adwords Management Company our responsibility is to ensure the greatest return possible for our clients
The Correct Pay Per Click (PPC) Architecture

If You’re Going To Play! Play Well and Play To Win!
PPC has become serious business with 1000’s of companies relying completely on this form of marketing to keep their business open and new customers coming in. One of the biggest mistakes most small marketers experience is the reality that sticking a toe in and expecting to compete with their competitors who are totally committed is difficult. Therefore if your just getting started it is important to manage your expectations correctly. The guy spending $200.00 per month is not going to draw the same returns as the company spending $2,000 or $20,000 each month. The chart below shows what happens to an underfunded effort. New business still comes in, but the business ads are not visible all the time and therefore potential business is lost during the offline periods.