Content Creation

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Copywriters, Content Writers and Brand Specialists:

Quality Content Creation is critical to any successful online venture. With the recent and expected future changes in how a website is ranked on national search engines, we are once again reminded that “Content is King” and a company that does not understand this fact and uses dated content, content stolen from another website, content written for search engines and not for a client or prospect and any site owner that looks once and never updates his content again, is in for a tough competitive future.

We have a team of professional writers that are all fluent not only in content creation for maximum conversion but also in SEO, On-page optimization, Brand Management, and Messaging as well as creative enough to capture the imagination of the reader and describe your products and services in ways that you will be amazed at.

We not only build fantastic and responsive websites but we also provide all of the site content if the client prefers to have a professional team craft the message about the business and the executive team. We routinely create incredible content for the following purposes:

  • Newsletters
  • Press releases
  • Product descriptions
  • Blogs
  • Articles
  • Site content
  • Banners and Email blasts
  • Articles
  • and much more!

When creating content for your own personal home page or developing the content for a complex corporate site, the way that your message is written will determine your success or failure on the Internet. We have written numerous articles on the subject of user profiling and the importance of knowing your customer; User Profiling.

Whether you are selling a product, managing customer relations, or introducing a new concept it all starts with the site user understanding your message and instructions.

So, hire your very own copywriters and content writers.

Here are some basics to understand:

Writing Styles

In writing for a website, the single most important difference from writing for print publication is the inherent ability of web communications to be interactive. Hyperlinking makes it easy for any reader to browse the information you have presented in a manner that is the most comfortable for them. Suggestion – Use hyperlinks wisely, otherwise, they become a distraction.

The beauty of a website, whether internal or external, is that the user has the ultimate control over what content they see. Users no longer want content pushed at them and have become “pullers” of information…they review material, pulling out what’s meaningful or useful to them and ignoring the rest. An important goal is to make the information you offer easy to “pull” from.


If you want to use backgrounds, be sure the texture or pattern is subtle so it doesn’t compete visually with your words: this is called appropriate figure/ground contrast. Solid, pale colors are best, with black or very dark type.

Use small, multicolor graphics to add visual interest, but don’t overdo them. And remember that big splashy graphics take a long time to load, which can drive your readers away.

Use white space and font changes for visual interest instead of graphics, where possible. Columns (including empty ones to create white space in a page format) can be made using the “table” function and the “block quote” function of the HTML language.

How Web readers Read

Only 16% of readers read a document word for word. Shocked? According to a web usability study by Sun Microsystems, 79% merely scan on-screen pages without taking time to read what they find. It’s more than just attention- deficit: computer screens are about 25% harder to read than print. Larger screen-type fonts improve readability. Short line lengths help, as do reduce the number of words from print to the on-screen version by about 50%.

A fundamental question you should always ask, whether it’s for your own website or one you are developing for your employer is: What is the purpose of the website? If yours is a small business, this is especially true. You can’t afford to make mistakes.

Here are some important questions to answer before you begin:

  • Who is your audience?
  • What do you want them to know, understand or do after they visit your website?
  • How will you measure your success?
  • Are you committed to maintaining the site to keep it timely?
  • Have we done the best possible design job to make the site usable?

If you are really struggling with what to say, then let our copywriters and content writers get the ball rolling for you. We have development professionals on staff that can modify the content on your site, newsletter, brochure, or press release and make you look fantastic!