As of February 2015, China alone had an online population of over 649 million users. Why is that important to you?
That number is a pretty big indicator of just how many people use the internet on the daily basis. And if there are that many people using the internet, even a small business in Utah needs online visibility.
That’s where SEO comes in. By optimizing your site for search engines, you’ll land some major traffic. Hopefully, that traffic will boost your sales and other conversions.
Of course, that plan only works if you know how to find the best Utah SEO services.
So how do you do it? Keep reading as we give you a few pointers on how to find the best SEO agency for your business.
1. Establish Your SEO Goals
The first thing you’ll need to do is establish your SEO goals. If this task sounds easy to you, think again. Too many businesses do, after all, set terrible SEO goals for themselves.
Such bad goals include:
- Investing in SEO services just for the sake of getting more traffic
- Trying to climb to the number one spot on Google
But what makes these goals bad? Why wouldn’t a business want more traffic and the top spot on a Google search page?
Well, the first goal is just too vague. Sure, you might be able to get more traffic by investing in SEO services. If, though, you don’t know what you want to do with that traffic, the traffic will be useless.
And, yes, you want to rank well on Google. Even so, sometimes businesses get so ambitious that they can’t see the forest for the trees. This leads us to our next point…
2. Set Realistic Expectations
You wouldn’t believe the number of businesses that come to SEO firms thinking that they’ll be able to claim some major top spots on Google. Picture, for instance, a jewelry shop approaching an SEO firm and asking to claim the number one spot for the following keywords:
- Engagement rings
- Diamond rings
- Hoop earrings
Those keywords definitely capture a large amount of traffic. But there’s a major problem here:
They’re too competitive and monopolized by major brands. And many small businesses simply can’t compete with these giants on those major keywords.
Of course, we’re not suggesting that you should give up on ranking for anything at all. We’re simply advising you to tailor your expectations to your reality.
3. Consider Your Budget
How much are you willing to spend on your SEO strategy? You can’t select an SEO firm without knowing the answer to this question.
The truth is that some SEO agencies charge good money for their services. As a result, their services aren’t good options for small businesses.
The trick to sifting through businesses in your cost range is selecting one that can address your primary concern. Let’s say, for instance, that you’re primarily concerned with your website’s design. In this case, you’d go with an agency that specializes in SEO website design.
Or perhaps you’re more concerned with having a more well-rounded SEO strategy. If that’s the case, there are plenty of SEO agencies that fit the bill.
4. But Don’t Go Cheap
We’re definitely looking for you to take our previous tip to heart. Here, however, is what we’re not looking for you to do:
Go cheap.
No, your business likely doesn’t have billions of dollars to spend on SEO. We understand. Still, there’s no excuse for picking the cheapest SEO company.
If we’re being honest, insanely cheap SEO agencies are cheap for a reason. They’re not providing quality work.
Unfortunately, though, many businesses don’t find this out until they’ve already handed over their money to such SEO agencies. So take our advice and stay far away from the guys who promise top-tier results for bottom-tier money.
5. Look at Reviews and Testimonials
Vetting an SEO agency can be difficult for various reasons. One of the biggest reasons?
Proving that SEO agency is competent before hiring the agency is tough.
Fortunately, there are a couple of things you can do beforehand. One such thing is simply looking at reviews and testimonials. While doing so, we encourage you to hone in on the bad reviews.
You can even take this step further by reaching out to previous customers. Ask them what their experiences with their SEO companies were. What were the worst parts of the service? The best parts?
Take note of all of this information and use it when entering into a deal with your future SEO agency.
6. Ask For a Consultation
Okay. Let’s say that you’ve looked at reviews and testimonials and are still skeptical. In this case, we suggest asking for a consultation.
This shouldn’t be a problem since many SEO agencies offer free consultations. If, however, you encounter an agency that doesn’t offer free consultations, there’s no harm in asking for one.
When you receive the results of your consultation, carefully consider if they’re what you’re looking for. Are the results, for instance, providing general information? Or are they providing specific, data-oriented information?
If you like to be really thorough, you can compare the results of several free consultations from different agencies in order to make your final decision.
7. Don’t Buy Snake Oil
Let’s get real:
Some businesses lie. Some advertise shady diet pills that don’t do much of anything. Others promise you the top spot on Google.
The sad truth is that many customers fall for these types of tricks. They hand over their money and see no real results months later.
Of course, some of these businesses do see results. What they don’t know, however, is that those results are likely just temporary. That’s because shady SEO agencies that promise number one spots on Google to companies typically use blackhat techniques to achieve high rankings.
Such techniques can be detrimental to businesses. Once Google gets wind of your site’s blackhat techniques, the search giant will dole out a punishment. That punishment will probably result in less traffic.
And less traffic means fewer conversions for you.
Looking For Utah SEO Services?
If you’re looking for Utah SEO services, following these tips will put you on the path to success. Just remember to do your research and stay positive. You’ll find the SEO agency for you.
Those of you who have any questions should feel free to contact us. We’d love to hear from you.
And if you’re considering using our SEO services? Check out some testimonials before making your decision. You won’t be disappointed.